Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Need some advice..UPDATED #1, UPDATED #2!!!

Hello All,

So,  I need some advice.

Tomorrow I go for my ultrasound thing where they squirt the saline through my tubes to make sure they are clear.

I'm on CD 61.

Fertility Friend seems to think that based on my BBT I may have ovulated last Wednesday.  Hubby and I went back through the week in our heads (because I was SO DUMB and didn't write it down!!!), trying to remember when we did the BD.  We believe it was Tuesday or Wednesday.

So.....It MAY be possible that we conceived.  IF I ovulated.  I didn't get any EWCM, but I did get a little CM.

If we concieved, I would not have implanted yet and if I were to POAS tomorrow morning it would not show positive yet.

I'm concerned.  This test 'flushes' stuff through.  Should I reschedule for 2 weeks from now, just in case???

Help!  So not sure what to do!

Thank you to Dragon's Blossom for the advice.  I, too, felt the same way - that I should reschedule for 2 weeks from now if I got a BFN then.

So I called the Ultrasound clinic and they said that the reason they do the trans-vaginal ultrasound a day or two before (I went yesterday) is to check for just that.  I asked "are you sure you would see it if I just concieved on Wednesday?"  and she said that that is why they do that ultrasound in the first place.  So, I guess I got a BFN without a TWW (as if being on CD61 isn't enough of a wait!).  Good to know.  Appointment still on for tomorrow.  Please let them find what it is and fix me.

Update #2
OK - so now I go to the bathroom and......EWCM!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good Grief!
Hubby & I BD'd yesterday (just for fun & all), so.....
I rescheduled the test.  Its 4 weeks from now, but at least I won't be worried...

WTF!  I haven't had EWCM in A LONG TIME!

So, now the mind is racing.


  1. Hello, thank you for the support! If you feel there is ANY chance you might get a BFP you should definately reschedule your HSG or whatever they call it :) Me and my DH had to actually sign a form saying we would refrain from BD until after the procedure was performed. It can definately harm an embryo if there is one there. I know it sucks to have to wait even longer, but better safe than sorry :)In my opinion I would rescedule for 2 weeks out, but that is just me :) Best of luck to you!

  2. Good luck with your appointment, I would also have said wait for the 2 weeks if you thought there was a chance but now you don't have to suffer another 2 weeks of waiting. Wishing you well and hoping they can find some answers and a way towards some solutions. All the best. x

  3. It's so confusing, isn't it? My CM is all over the place, too. Better safe than sorry re: the app't. And yep - keep BDing! :)

  4. LOL! I am glad you got some EWCM and BD'd at the right time! Praying you get a BFP and don't have to worry about the test after all!
