Monday, August 15, 2011


First I'm thankful for the additions of a couple of new friends, Brenda at Hope Springs Infertile: Now with 2 Little Sprouts, and Becca at Beccasfamilyof5 to my blog.  Thank you for joining me and I SO look forward to getting to know each of you. 

Second I'm thankful to Missy at My Unglorious Life for teaching me how to follow people who don't have a follow button! (THAT was frustrating!!!)

Third, I'm thankful that I'm feeling good today.

Its a very busy time right now as so much is happening in our lives.

Of course, IF is always there.  But we try not to dwell, if we can.  We are also in the process of screening applicants for our basement apartment - always a nerve wracking time.  My poor garden is showing how neglected its been this year, not to mention the weather extremes it has been put through by mother nature.  I'm taking on a few singing students for the fall in order to make some grocery money - but I've lost all of my materials and have to re-write all of my handouts from scratch, as well as my curriculum.

And, I'm 99% certain I am going back to school in November.  There are a lot of preparations that have to be made in order to make that happen - not the least of which is sorting out our finances.  So I've spent the last week bringing all of our financials up to date and down on spreadsheets so I can see the whole picture.  Wow - its not a pretty one.  We overspend - huge.  A big chunk is all of my expenses for Naturopath, Accupuncture, Chiropractor & all the supplements that go along with that.  Another big chunk is eating out at restaurants.  As I've said, I love food, and I would almost venture to say that I'm a hairs breadth from being a food addict.  Really.  I have some sort of emotional attachment to it that I have to come to terms with.

On the bright side, though, by looking at all of this now I see so much opportunity for us.  Its going to be a very hard couple of years while I am in school, keeping the purse strings tight - but if we succeed in following the budget I have laid out then at the end of it all we should be in a really great place - better than I thought we could ever be in.  In fact, we should be able to pay off my (HOPEFULLY GETTING ONE) student loan within the 6 months that you need to after graduating before they begin to charge interest!

So...I don't know what this optimistic streak is all about right now.  We are scrounging for money and things will get worse before they get better.  Its CD 53, I exhibit classic signs of being menopausal at age 37 (38 in a couple months...sigh), I don't feel at all optimistic about the prospects or possibility of being able to have my own genetic child with my husband and that breaks my heart.

And yet today....I feel light.  I feel energized.  I feel like almost....ALMOST...anything could be possible....

I surely hope that anything is.

Hugs all

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better these days,'s helpful to feel like one is moving forward, no?

    Re: is a link to common tests for female fertility that might be good to have:

    Do you have the Making Babies book? It lists a bunch of recommended tests to have done before anything else, which goes beyond what is listed in the link above. What time is your appointment? If you don't have the book, e-mail me and maybe I can tell you on the phone

    And re: immunity...the jury is out on whether this is of value or not - some docs buy into it and some don't...I didn't probe further to see what Baby Lady was suggesting I test for as immunity can mean a lot of different things. What I did get checked was my thyroid antibodies and they were borderline, but Dr. Turtle suspects they may have been higher in January when I started to go really hardcore with my diet and lifestyle changes. The link below lists some of the immunity testing that can be done, but please keep in mind that these can be extremely expensive in Canada and that, again, not all doctors think they are useful.

    I hope your appointment goes really well!

