Wednesday, October 12, 2011

6 weeks - Nauseously Elated!

First I would like to thank you all so very, very much for your kind words and support.  We are not telling anyone our good news yet, so its nice to be able to share it with all of you!

Second I would like to apologise for not posting for over a week.  I've been reading and commenting here & there...but I just haven't had a post in me.

So here I am, ready to post!

I'm feeling a bit better today.  The morning sickness has been very difficult - and more like 'all day' sickness.  I've struggled to find the right things to eat and the right amounts to minimize the constant queaziness.  It seems carbs are the way to go for me.  And PLAIN.  Absolutely NO butter, salt, cheese, sauces, etc.  Actually this morning I had a bagel with a wee bit of cream cheese and that went down ok.  Toast and peanut butter is a standby.  Other than that - plain, cold noodles.  Yum, right?!  Well...thats the best I can do, it seems.  I've gotten some of those 'boost' meal replacement shakes and am able to sip on those a bit.  Water is tough to get down, but I do small sips pretty constantly so at least I'm staying relatively hydrated.

And the vegan thing....DONE.  I'm eating what I can, when I can, as there is so much I can't handle right now.

I'm not vomiting, although I feel I could at just about any moment.  Especially if I smell anything strong.  Coffee smell is particularily bad.  Hubby had some jube jubes the other day and the smell of the lemon ones drifting across the room to me was amazingly soothing.  Makes me want to buy him a big jar of lemon jube jubes and make him breathe on me.

This has been the main focus of the last week.  Its sort of all consuming.  I go to see my naturopath tonight and I hope she can help me relieve this a bit.  But still......I'll take it!  I'll take it for 40 weeks if I have to!  (but pleasepleaseplease don't make me have to!!)

Hubby and I are, of course, overjoyed.  I think we are still a little stunned.  Hubby is tentative...he doesn't want to get too excited until we are further along.  I just don't want to even think about that...

We are talking about names, and boy vs. girl, and telling our families, and decorating the nursery....all wonderful conversations we didn't think we would get to have.

The BFP has been confirmed 3x.  Twice by HPT and once through a urinalisis at the lab from my MD.  And even if we had gotten a negative in any of those I would have protested wildly - the way I feel, I KNOW I am pregnant!  I don't need a test to prove it at this point!  We have an appointment with a Midwife next week and I'm looking very forward to that.

This coming weekend we are going to my mom's cottage for Thanksgiving with our family.  Yes, I know, Canadian Thanksgiving was this past weekend, but we can all only get together the week after because of all the other commitments.  So I have to get through the weekend without anyone guessing.  Now there are certian things that could be my undoing in this endeavor.

1) I won't be drinking wine.  My brother and sister will be all over me for that.  So...hubby found a dealcoholized wine that I can sip on a bit through dinner just to get them over it.
2) The smells in the cottage will bother me...and usually I am in the thick of the kitchen prep. 
3) I'm tired all the time. 
4) My mom, brother and sister all smoke.  Now, they just smoke outside, but still, its hard to stay away from, and I will be avoiding it rather suspiciously.

So, if we get through this weekend without questions it will be a miracle!

Something else that has been bugging me, though...  According to Fertility Friend it appears that we concieved September 13th.  I had a transvaginal ultrasound on the 20th and a Sonohysterogram on the 21st.  Wouldn't the transvaginal have identified something?  Wouldn't the Sono have 'dislodged' stuff or flushed it through??  The doctor during the sono kept saying 'whats that?'  'that there?' 'can we look at that closer?' to the technician and in the end told me there was a polyp but nothing he was concerned about & my family doctor would discuss that with me.  Was that my baby??

I hope none of that could have hurt anything...

I cannot wait for whenever the first scan happens....for whenever I get to hear the heartbeat.  I just want to know my baby is growing and is healthy.  I just can't wait for that time.


  1. I haven't been reading any blogs lately so I'm behind the times, but congrats on the BFP! I'm so happy for you!

  2. sounds like when I was expecting my first, coffee is my staple food but I couldnt handle the thought, let alone the smell or even consider more than that. I lived for the first 4 months on mashed potato with tinned spaghetti in tomato sauce which was SO un-me. I am not a fan of bland foods, I live on curries, spices, herbs, garlic, chillies etc, I lost my love for those and lived on comfort foods instead.

    So maybe you have a boy in there.

    I never got sickness but I felt sort of unwell for the first 12 weeks then that went and I got that horrible feeling of nausea for the last 5 months. Ugh, I'm hoping you dont get that.

  3. I hope your MS eases sooner then later mine did in first few weeks of Trimester 2 now I just make sure I eat when hungry and sometimes at night I get queasy...reflux is still hanging around but I watch what I eat to not upset it...yes boring as but like you said oh so worth it...

    every step of your pregnancy enjoy as every moment is special

    PS has that book got to you yet???

  4. Thanks Ladies! I do hope that the MS eases up soon. Today has been a bad day so far. I know of a few ladies who have had to deal with it for the entire pregnancy. At this point I don't feel strong enough to handle that...

    and One Perfect Emby - YES! I got the book late last week! Thank you! I'm hanging on to it for a while & when all goes well (as it WILL) and 14 weeks have passed I will pass it along to someone else!

  5. Your too funny....thats what I did wait until Trimester 1 was through....but same it will be fine but that lucky book of baby dust is spreading its love all around the world
