Monday, October 17, 2011

Full Disclosure

The cat is out of the bag!  The family is 'in the know'!  And they are overjoyed!

We got up to the cottage fairly late on Friday evening.  We had first gone to watch my 3 year old niece at her karate lesson (TOO CUTE!!!) and hit the road north right after that.  The weather was miserable.  Incredible winds and pelting rain made for a slow drive.

When we arrived I was feeling less than great from the drive and the nausea.  We unpacked the van with my mother and sister who were already there and settled in.  Mom said that my brother had called and they decided to stay in town and come up in the morning because the weather was so bad and the kids were sleepy.  I put on some cozy clothes, got myself a small dish of almonds to nibble on (mom had a spread of shrimp ring and brie and other goodies out...) and a glass of water.  I just started to sit down and my sister pipes up "what's with the water?!"  (normally by this time I'd have poured myself a nice glass of red).  So, hubby and I stand up and say...."Well....."

And the looks on their faces were priceless!  My sister kept saying "no!"  "no!"  "Seriously?!".  I think it took a second for it to sink in for my mom because she just looked stunned.  They both barreled into the living room from the kitchen (open concept) to give me a huge hug!  Then on to hubby, of course.  We explained that it was early, but we knew that should anything happen we would need their support.  We explained that we just wanted to keep it in the immediate family for now, and that it was too bad that Bro & SIL were not here to tell as well, but we'd have to wait till tomorrow.

Mom said that my Uncle, Aunt & cousins were all coming up tomorrow morning too and there was no way we could keep it from them as well.  SIGH!!!  Ah well.  We are all very very close so they are like immediate family too....  so we agreed to letting them know too.

The next day the news was equally well received by the rest of the family.  It was really wonderful to be able to talk to my mom, aunt & SIL about their experiences in pregnancy and share some of my feelings and fears.  I also explained that we'd been trying for 2 years & had struggled.  Everyone was very supportive.  I'm lucky to have such a loving family.

The morning sickness has been very strange the last few days.  I have very intense periods and then periods where its pretty mild and almost not there.  Its certainly much better than the constant medium-high nausea I was experiencing last week.  Its still very uncomfortable but its much more bearable.  I even ate some stuffing and some sweet potatoes, and Sunday morning had a wee bit of my aunt's famous egg dish casserole.  It all went down surprisingly well.  Overall I've lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks, but I think I'm doing OK.  If things stay like this I think I can make it through to 12-14 weeks when everyone says this feeling will disappear.  I'm officially 7 weeks -  though my naturopath thinks I might be closer to 8.  There is no way to tell 100% unless/until I get a dating ultrasound, because of my erratic cycles.  We go for my first midwife appointment on Thursday where I expect we will get a whole whack of information!

So, it was a wonderful weekend and I was so happy to be able to make my mom so very, very happy!


  1. Sounds like the weekend went wonderfully and everyone was so happy to hear your news!

    I look forward to hearing about your midwife appointment and when they think they can do your first scan - will be good to confirm how far along you are and an idea of your due date.

    Exciting times!

  2. I think its great that you were able to share it with your immediate family..I did the same well some found out after our viability scan as there are some immediate family that I know on hubbys side who are not supportive...but on my side everyone knew early on...its great to know you have their support either way but I agree...this baby is a super strong one that is going to hang around for another 7-8 months...pending your due date!!!!!!!!!!11

  3. Yay!!! I am so excited for you! Congrats on being able to tell the family! Best of luck with the midwife appointment and the ultrasound!

  4. It is so hard not to tell everyone. We have told our parents & sisters...and we are waiting to tell any other family til Thanksgiving (at 10 weeks), it seems appropriate - we are very thankful! I can't wait to see my Grandmother's face when I tell her! Hope the morning sickness gets better:)
