Friday, July 22, 2011

TWW = Two Week WTF?!, and Be Careful What You Wish For

So, you thought I had dropped off the face of the Earth.  Well, almost.  I was pretending to be a post-woman for a little over a week.  Really.  Covering for someone who has a rural route (they are responsible for finding and training their own coverage for their vacations).  So 12 hour days (mail volumes huge as we've just come off a mail strike), physical pain, bruises, and a $1200 car repair later, I've resurfaced.  I've decided I don't want to be a post-woman when I grow up.

Lets see...last post I wondered if perhaps I was experiencing Ovulation signs.  I'm not so sure now - in fact, I'm pretty sure that's a no.

I spotted that day (CD13), then took a couple of days off before beginning another marathon spotting event that lasted from CD 16 to 23.  In case you are trying to count that's 8 days of spotting.  Dark & brownish and just enough for a pantyliner to handle daily.  My BBT chart on FF looks like 3 year old's drawing of a mountain range and I'm exuding a lot of heat from about 4 or 5 am to about 7 (not heat wave related.  With the amount of heat I'm emitting I could actually be the source of this supposed 'heat dome' hovering over the continent.  Sorry y'all.).

So, I'm now on CD 29 & feel no real need to take an HPT.  I know I'm not pregnant.  I don't think I can get pregnant.  I can't believe I've robbed myself of this by waiting so long.  Its such a helpless, hopeless feeling.

Also, I'm in this emotional crisis where I am examining my life and not knowing what the hell to do with myself & my life.

I'm 37 years old.  I'm a smart person, reasonably.  I'm attractive, reasonably.  I'm in decent shape, reasonably.  I have many skills and interests that I'm reasonably good at.  I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.  The problem with that is that I'm WELL beyond grown up and my body smugly reminds me of this daily when I wake up and remember that I'm not a Mom and won't be because I'm too old and shrivelled to be.

My husband is an amazingly talented artist and in the past year has built up a business around that that is starting to bring in an ok income.  He's on the track of his passion and its working out wonderfully and I am SO proud of him and happy for him.

Me, on the other hand....  well, some background first...

I never went to university, but instead moved out west and did the 'finding myself' thing which basically meant I floated for a year and a half.  When I came back I got a quick job in a factory, which led to a job in their offices, where I developed some skills for about 3 years.  Then I got a job with a big company in their call centre.  I spent 10 years with that company and went from customer service rep to manager of the department.  I left 4 years ago for 2 reasons:  1) I didn't want to 'grow' any further - the pressure of my job was enough.  My leadership wanted me to keep climbing and there was a lot of pressure there and I became very unhappy. 2) I met my now-husband through music circles.  Both of us being independent singer-songwriters, we formed a duo and decided that if we were ever going to take time off to record a CD, tour & do the whole musician thing, we'd better get on it, because we were "getting older".  I was 33.  God I wish I was 33 again.

So I quit the big corporation, got a part time, flexible job in a small construction office, and 'followed my dream' - sort of.  I enjoy music.  Its part of me.  I just do it.  I'm not really all that passionate about it.  The closest I get to passionate about it is when I'm singing.  It doesn't matter if I'm singing my own stuff or a cover of "Natural Woman" or "Black Velvet" - I really love that moment of just singing.  But I wouldn't say it's my 'dream'.  Now the small company is slowing down as the owner prepares for retirement, my husband has decided to fly solo & be self employed, and I need to earn some money, have benefits and hopefully some sort of pension (or at least make enough money to put $ away for retirement).  I DON'T want to go back to a large corporation.  I'd like to actually enjoy what I do and feel value in what I'm doing.

So that's the career side of things.  Tangled up in all of this were 2 miscarriages (2004 with my ex), a divorce, and basically resigning myself that I would be alone and childless for the rest of my life (as is customary for old maids of 32 who choose to end their marriages).  Then I met the hero of my world and man of my dreams.  We decided to follow our artistic spirits and in doing so, made the conscious decision not to have children.  At the time, we thought our choices were "normal" life with corporate 9-5 jobs and the house in the suburbs & kids, OR follow the music muse.  After many tears and late nights and back and forth discussions we decided that neither of our spirits would be satisfied if we didn't get out there and TRY IT when it came to the music.

So there you go.  I CHOSE not to have babies when I could.  I'm getting what I asked for.  What I deserve.

I even wrote a song about my choice which I have never been able to get through without crying - and still can't to this day.

I may never see your face
I may never know your soft embrace
But you're still real to me
As real as you'll ever be

You may never greet the dawn
You may never know your home
But you're still real to me
As real as you'll ever be

I can't forget, I might regret
Turning you away
But time keeps rolling past, some chances they don't last
So I'll cry a tear every day.....every day

You may never see the light
I may never get it right
But you're still real to me
As real as you'll ever be

I'm getting what I asked for, I guess.  Its all my fault.


  1. Welcome to the blog world! Don't think for one second that you chose this. I started trying when I was 26 and still have not had a baby. True, I have more time to figure it out, but if I had not tried until later, I would not have known there was a problem all along. Not sure if that makes any sense....

    Best wishes!

  2. Please no way its not your fault...this is your path and journey for you to evolve...I stopped blaming myself couple of years ago as I chose a career over kids first and why is full of choices and when you are ready you should have takes courage to do what you did give up what the so called norm is to follow your dreams in music and you will succeed to believe and you will get your dream of being a mum but please do not carry any guilt...your journey would not make the person who are today and your life experiences will make you a better mum...

    and thanks for your kind words on my blog too xx

  3. Dear SS...your song is beautiful and brought tears to my eyes, too. I would love to hear it.

    I hear you loud and clear on the "who am I?" and "why didn't I start earlier?" and "am I getting what I deserve?"'s so hard to understand the why of all of this and the pain is to much to bear sometimes. I am sending you hugs and want you to know you aren't alone. We will get through this together.

    And...(here is the tough love part)...enough with the self-flagellation. It's not good for your soul (or your ovaries). I started trying at 30 and that didn't do me any good. Who is to say that if we tried at 20 it would have made any difference?

    37 is young in the grand scheme of things and you have time. Just pick up Julia Indichova's book or Sandy Robertson's book - it helps to know that others have done it with success in their forties. As far as I can tell, at his point, you haven't thoroughly investigated things from a medical standpoint yet, right? Have you checked to see if your tubes are clear? (forgive me if you have posted this already...) In my case, I found it helpful to know the information, even if I am pursuing things without meds or medical intervention right now.

    That article I mentioned was referred to by Linda over at Bad Plumbing:

    Instead of worrying about ovulating at the classic time each month, just believe you *could* be ovulating any time. The Creighton Model recommends intercourse every couple of days rather than CD14 and that makes sense to me as something to aspire to (even if it is not always possible to carry out). A couple of years ago I had a 74-day cycle and happened to have tests done that showed I was ovulating, so there you go. That spotting you had may have been your period for that cycle.

    Sorry for the long comment, but the moral to this story is:

    1) Try not to fret.
    2) I am here, cheering you on.
    3) If you haven't, consider getting everything checked out so you know what you're dealing with.
    4) Have lots of sex!


  4. This is in no way your fault and in no way have you asked for this, none of us have... And you will get there it just takes time, you just need to find your way around the road block!! And just remember it will make you a stronger person at the end of it all.
