Monday, September 26, 2011

Detox - Day 1

I'm going to try to kickstart my body.  I'm in the worst shape of my life as a result of being down and kind of depressed with the whole IF thing as well as all the other stuff that has gone on over the last couple of years.  And always lurking in the back of my mind is the possibility that its my bad habits that I have not been able to overcome that are causing the problem(s).  So.....  time to come clean....  inside and out.

1)  I eat a lot of crap.  I eat a lot of healthy stuff too - but I top it up with a good, hearty, daily dose of CRAP.  Fast food.  Processed food.  Sugary or salty or greasy food.
2)  I eat WAY too much.  My portions are probably really enough for 2 or 3 people.
3)  I drink too much.  This is a tougher one to admit, but I do.  I have at least one glass of red wine every day.  Sometimes more.  I just love my wine.

Those are the main factors that have led to me being about 40 (yes FORTY) pounds overwieght.  I don't look it.  I hide my weight well.  I look maybe 20 pounds over....but thats really just scratching the surface.  I'm quite certain that these factors have also led to my hormonal imbalances which are impacting my ovulation and ability to conceive.  I'm sure that my kidneys, spleen and liver are all bogged down and sluggish because of all the toxins that I put into myself daily!  I'm sure that my body's abiltiy to communicate with it's various bits and pieces is impeded and interrupted and its struggling to perform its basic functions.  I'm certain that all the extra fat that I'm carrying around is full of toxins and hormones that are affecting me.  I know my blood is in a state of acidity which is BAD BAD BAD so I need to get alkalized, too.

So....while Dr. Cutie looks into the bloodwork and ultrasounds....I'm detoxing hard core.

No alcohol.  Organic.  Vegan.  No sugar (except for naturally occurring - so no refined or added sugar).  No caffiene.  No heavily refined flours - lots of cooked whole grains (buckwheat, kamut, millet, teff, quinoa).  This is in essence the 'superhero' diet as outlined in the book 'the kind diet'. 

I love this food anyway....I don't know why I have the habit of self-sabotaging, but I do.  I'll be doing this indefinitely, until I've lost the weight and my cycles start to regulate.  I'm convinced that this is the main source of the issue.  If, after this, medical intervention is still required then so be it....but at least I'll have created a super healthy bodily environment to work with.

So today I started off with a broth of carrot and daikon with umeboshi plum and some nori.  I also had a smoothie with blueberries, watermelon and vega protien.  Lunch which I am just starting to get hungry for will be some kamut with dulce flakes and a 'cheesy' sauce made of nutritional yeast (very yummy), navy beans and collard greens tossed with raisins, pumpkin seeds and a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  The food is delicious - its just different...and you have to get used to the flavour of REAL food which is far less salty than the processed food we live on.  It will take a while to get over the salt addiction.  Tonight we are having leftovers from the weekend.  A dish Hubby really liked.  Its a spelt pasta with tomato sauce and lentil 'meat'balls.  Really good.

Last night I took my measurements, took photos, and weighed in.  YIKES!  I like having a starting point, though, so that I can monitor progress.  I think that this dramatic calorie reduction plus my 3x weekly workouts will really have the weight come off quickly...  I just hope my body really CLEANSES while its at it.

1 comment:

  1. I COMPLETELY feel you on this. I too struggle with my weight, always have and I hate to think it but I probably always will. I eat healthy meals but need to stop the unhealthy snacks and need to cut down on the amount I eat. It may be healthier food but double the portion = double the calories - healthy or not!

    I do find though that I don't get on well with complex/heavy carbs. I get bloated easily so really cut back on breads, potatoes etc. I'm cutting down on rice, cutting out pasta completely but I don't think I can go wheat free when my favourite food is couscous!

    The problem is when I cut back on meals I want to snack more. I dont particularly enjoy fruit and end up snacking on the wrong things. It seems a vicious cycle between feeling hungry and eating when I shouldn't.

    I wish you great luck in your new eating plan. I am sure you will do very very well. x
