Wednesday, June 22, 2011

CD 43

This is another long one.  I had some spotting day 15-17.  Maybe that was a light period.  If thats the case then I'm technically on CD 29.

I find my breathing to be very heavy lately.  I'm sighing a lot.  I'm off to my Naturopath to get some accupuncture & I'm armed (not that I have to be with her) with a bunch of new info from reading Mad Hatter's blog & comments others have made.  My brain is spinning I've taken in so much new information in the past week.

I'm SO glad I found this IF community on here.  It gave me the courage to 'come out' (at least here - not so much in my public life) about my own struggle and has really renewed my interest in blogging too - which I am finding to be a TREMENDOUS relief!

I spent this past weekend in a very blue state.  I hadn't had alcohol in a little over a month and I had a few glasses of wine.  I ate pasta and cheese and cookies and cake and ice cream.  Today I'm back on the horse....nice and clean, vitamins, herbs, BBT, paying attention to how I'm feeling.

I made up a sheet for myself to fill in every day (I function so well with a process).  I date it and record the time.  It reminds me to take my herbs & vitamins, to do the castor oil pack, to document what I eat, to check my tongue, to listen to my body for things it might be telling me.  I'm thinking its going to give me a lot of information after a few weeks.  My memory isn't so my naturopath will ask me a specific question and I haven't a clue.  "have you been feeling warm lately?"  Ummm....I don't know!  So, I will write down if I'm feeling warm, cold, tired, what my CM is like, etc etc etc.  The more info we have the stronger we are in this battle!

I intend to win.

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